COVID-19 / Coronavirus



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Let's talk more about COVID-19 or "Coronavirus"

Governments and the mainstream media lie and keep us living in fear, forcing and mandating people in certain municipalities to be locked down in their homes, who supposedly have the virus, to be quarantined from their families and friends. They've closed small to medium-sized businesses, and public services such as parks, libraries, and community centers. But testing for COVID-19 is inaccurate, so how do we know if someone has it or if we can actually get COVID-19 coronavirus?

We Don't!


  • Does the COVID-19 virus exist? 
  • Is there a Coronavirus cure?

There are so much misinformation and contradictions, we just don't know what is true and what is not. But it is not really about COVID-19 as the mainstream/mass-media and governments have lead us to believe. It goes way further than that.


What is the truth?

It has been said that the US has patented over 50 viruses, including COVID-19. According to many different sources, both Google and the CIA have patented Coronavirus, which supposedly was first discovered in the late 1920s, and thought to have originated from chickens.


But did you know...?

The most common diseases that people get, like heart disease, cancers, and diabetes, are mainly caused by animal foods that people consume. The more meat, dairy, and eggs people eat, the higher the risk for the aforementioned diseases people will get, as they create acidity, inflammation, mucus, and weaken the body's immune system. For a healthy human body, we need to consume food that strengthens our body's immune system. Even cooked plant-foods weakens the immune system.

Therefore, only natural raw whole plant foods, the fruits and vegetables in their natural state - uncooked and unprocessed is preferable, and also better eaten organically or veganic (veganic does not use animal inputs such as manure, bone meal, fishmeal, feather meal, or blood meal, domesticated animals on the land or synthetic chemicals and fertilizers), and has many health-positive benefits for us.


The Downfall of Society and Governments

For a long time, we humans have been trying to make society better through voting and improving laws and policies, without much improvement. As we have seen, many of the problems in society have actually gotten worse, and some new issues have emerged. If governments and megacorporations were really working for the benefit of humanity, we would be living in the Garden of Eden already. But we're not! There is so much corruption in governments and politics, working together with megacorporations, pharmaceutical and medical industries, institutions, animal agriculture, petrochemical and oil companies.

Since the time we were small children, we've been taught by all facets of our society what to believe and think. Our society and education system doesn't teach us to question society, culture, or to critically think. Through the public school system, organized religions, governments, mainstream media and advertising, social media, and so on, "they" dumb us down, programming into us their agendas, making us sicker and more enslaved than ever!

Many people never question anything. They just go through life following the culture and listening to the mass media and news, governments, etc. If they are free, why are they working in a slave job all of their lives, why do they pay taxes, have government-issued IDs, drivers license, or pay for insurance, etc.? Because they feel they need to. They fear that if they don’t, something terrible might happen to them, and they may end up in prison. Humans are enslaved, but we don’t realize it.

Indirectly, governments and corporations (by the way, governments are corporations), and they program mass fear into us. There is always killing on the news, some new deadly virus to watch out for, or a terrorist Middle Eastern mob (ISIS, Al-Qaeda) to be fearful about. The mass media and government put the life of fear into people. We live in a fear-based society. Just look at us locking our doors and windows. We are so fearful of people killing or stealing from us. We also pour money into fighting terrorism, when the governments are one of the biggest terrorists. They created ISIS and other terrorist organizations. They create mass fear. As the animals we consume are being terrorized, we are also living in terror.

We don’t think for ourselves. We just take what we see on the TV news, or read about in the newspapers to all be true. A lot of movies and video games are also violent and fear-based. And even if some of the stories featured in the news media are real, they exaggerate or fabricate them. And when they add some feel-good positive news story in, it is only a few moments in the whole segment.

It is our duty as born-free human beings to do and go where we please as long as we “do no harm”. If we are truly free, why do we obey and conform to the government, human-made laws? We have to rebel against them. I am not saying that all Western laws are evil, but most are and restrict our freedoms.


Is There a Solution to All of This?

Short answer, yes! We can question the cultural narrative and instead, support local farmer's markets, and becoming more self-sustainable with our water, electricity, and striving to grow all our own food. Let's transition away from society and the monetary system, living in harmony with nature, creating homesteading communities, exercising our three most important birthrights.

Our birthrights and freedoms have been taken away from us. What will governments do next; force microchip and inject us with more vaccines? If you would like to learn more about these issues, you can read my books and learn from the following resources below.

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Free Books

Free Books by Michael Lanfield
The World Peace Diet by Dr. Will Tuttle


More Books and other Resources

Our Path to Freedom by Michael Lanfield
Other Books by Michael Lanfield
Dr. Pamela Popper