Michael Lanfield, #1 Amazon category bestselling author, YouTuber, spiritual coach, and certified World Peace Diet Facilitator.


As seen on!


Harold Brown, Former animal farmer

“Michael has touched upon so much that is important. Each of our paths are intersected by challenges that test our abilities and capacities for empathy, compassion, and love. My journey from a cattle farmer to vegan, as Michael well knows, required a lot of work. These changes can have catalysts from outside ourselves but the true change comes from within.

Once we make the choice to live better today than we did yesterday our lives change. As The Lost Love alludes to the two main requirements for this transformation is moral imagination and emotional courage. Michael’s book gives us a road map to achieve this, but as with any teacher, he can only lead you to the door…you have to take the next step and travel through.”

Will Tuttle, PhD, Author of The World Peace Diet

The Interconnectedness of Life articulates in an uplifting and engaging way the many correspondences between vegan living and building a healthier world. Michael Lanfield weaves stories from his personal journey of transformation together with the latest research on nutrition and ecology.

To this he adds a judicious selection of wise words from sages of many times and places. The result is a literary banquet that is sure to inspire and guide readers to greater compassion, clarity, health, and understanding. Highly recommended.”

Awakening the Good in Humanity: Ending Violence Forever

This is the new book by Michael Lanfield with the Foreword by Aurora Ananda, raw vegan chef, ayurvedic masseuse, and yoga instructor NOW AVAILABLE.

How can we support a system of violence and expect to live in peace and harmony? We’ve been heavily conditioned by our culture since infancy, believing that we’re living healthy, normal, and natural lives. Everywhere around us, there is violence. People all over are partaking in this and think nothing of it.

For years and decades, like robots, we have been following orders, rituals, and belief systems, and think that because it is legal, it must be right. This has been the case for millennia, so we continue to listen and follow everyone…

Can we end violence forever? Awakening the Good in Humanity will show you how.

Society does not work nor serves us well. Governments are failing us. Therefore, we have to find another way to live in harmony with each other and the natural world. But can we? Amazon bestselling author and YouTuber Michael Lanfield tells us how we can create a new world without violence and strife, and instead live with love and happiness.

The most controversial and eye-opening book that you will ever read!

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Michael Lanfield

is an author of 10 books, including the #1 Amazon category best-selling books, The Interconnectedness of Life and The Journey, and his newest, Creating a Beautiful World and Awakening the Good in Humanity: Ending Violence Forever. He is also a YouTuber, spiritual coach, and certified World Peace Diet Facilitator. Michael has presented in Canada, Belize, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, England, Australia, and New Zealand and has been featured on dozens of FM/AM radio stations, podcasts, webinars, various websites, magazines, and media outlets, sharing veganism to millions worldwide. He is also the founder of Peaceful Village (in the planning stage) and the host of Creating a Beautiful World Radio.